Meyers Dobermans 

Meyers Dobermans 


Providing the Doberman Pincher with a healthier brighter future 

About Meyers Dobermans

  Meyers Dobermans is a Doberman Pincher Breeding Program located in New Iberia LA. that was founded in 2020

   Meyers Dobermans is dedicated to improving the quality of life , healthier futures and happier homes within the Doberman Pincher without compromising the breeds standard, Ms Meyers is doing her best trying to achieve this dream one step at a time.

  Ms. Meyers explains "There's a whole lot of technical talk surrounding it, but to translate all the mumbo jumbo lab lingo : I'm  breeding my lot with the most suitable candidates in order to get the most desirable outcomes possible." By monitoring and controlling  Reproduction this way Ciejie can limit the amount of ", bad blood "circulating the breeding community and try to replace it with " acceptable samples"." By keeping COI Levels low and monitoring a trillion other possible medical factors we should be able to maintain the breed for the moment. Not repair, but maintain. Hopefully. If we can get the word out about there predicament people will start listening and follow our lead on this and then MABYE we can one day see the glory of the true Doberman Pincher"

   Threw various stages of tests and requirements, lab results and lienesge  the proper mates are hand chosen by Ms Meyers. " It requires  a lot of homework, research and the patience to find the right mates" Ciejie explains. " I watch the data bases and wait for a register that fits my criteria. I then add the candidate to my system and then the work begans. Firstly by contacting the owners and see if there interested and if so we proceed with DNA genetic testing,  physical exams for the canines and background checks for the owners. This is all merely the first of three levels of requirements that must be met in order to even be considered for my program. " Ciejie states" our options for available qualifying candidates may be few but that's all we need to make even the slightest difference "

 " But  This is exactly why this isn't our main agenda, only having a few qualified candidates is very discouraging. The breeding program is merely a  bandaid , I can't just stand idolly by, I have to do something now. Not just later. And that's where  The real solution lies. The DNA .we need a 'clean DNA source ' THATS my ultimate goal.

   I want to  try to recreate the process in which Mr. Dobermann used while creating the breed. Unfortunately That's easier said then done. The problem doesn't lie within the product itself but within Mr.. Dobermanns note taking abilities. !" Ms. Meyers jokes during our interview. 

" Mr. Dobermann created this breed with the specific intent of a companion. A guardian  that would be loyal, fearless, protective and intelligent. He had no way of knowing his lil buddy would become the icon that it is today. They were named as our 'country's  official war dog'!!. Do you honestly think anyone saw that coming when they thought of  the towns tax collectors dog?. A frankienstein creation of strays slapped together in the dog collectors spare time!?! Lol.. Obviously he had a particular outcome in mind but I seriouly doubt he knew that he would be this sucsessful. I'd like to think , if he had known ,he would have left us with even some notes on the process. Unfortunately , he did not. There is absolutely no records of his process. We're not working  completely blind and in the dark though. We can pin point a range of breeds possibly involved by looking at the timeline and location from the point in time he created them. Plus we even have some  inside information available to us from the men who assisted in the process , Herr Rebel and Herr Stegmann. But Mr. Dobermann spent years perfecting his creation. We simply haven't been able to narrow down everything he did in that process.. yet. "

   " Again I'm far from the only one with this ambition. There are many more who are very close to obtaining it. We just have to hold out long enough. Which is how Meyers Dobermans came to be. Until I can get on the front lines of this I need to contribute somehow. Someway. Then ,when I got my very own first dobbie I was instantly smitten.  I became obsessed with everything Doberman. When I received my eldest DNA panel I wanted to know what I was looking at. I joined the AKC canine college and BOOM. Now 5 years later I'm almost complete with my certifications and discovered that controlling reproduction is how I can play my part. "

     Ciejie wraps up her intoduction with "I fully intend on completing my schooling very soon, at which time I will most likely continue to breed as well . Resaerch and development is my ambition but it's the Doberman  themselves I live for . I just love these lil guys too much to not to. "



The Fight Within

    The ever growing threat to the Doberman Pincher breed is very real and very deadly. 

   The Doberman Pincher is plaqued with an array of genetic medical issues that have gotten quite out of hand and is now threatening the entire breed as we know it. " At some point in the early 90s there was a boom in the market for Dobermans.         

   Everyone wanted a dobbie. This high demand opened the doors to puppy mills all across the country. Dozens of hundred of pups being in- line bred to an unhealthy point of no return. This , in turn created sort of a bottle neck for the ' healthy Doberman'. All the mutated 'bad blood'  created by these uncaring, uneducated " Breeders" was now circulating as the the country.

     The responsible and trained breeder professional were out bid by these scandlers. So the healthy Doberman got pushed to the back burner while the mutated genes took over. Once officials realized what was happening it was too late. 

    This is merely 1 event that contributed to the the ever growing and very real crisis the breed now faces. That damage siglenicident hit hard, just by itself. So much so, that now, come 2030 it's predecticed you won't be able to find a healthy Doberman . Anywhere. This isn't just an issue in the states. There's reports from every county, every country and continent that all state the same thing. There breeding themselves into extinction."

  Meyers Dobermans hopes that by recreating the original Doberman it will create a " clean gene pool" and they could actually stand a chance in giving  future dobermans a brighter future. Ms. Meyers quote's"  I'm not going to bore you with numbers, results of studies and statistics to try and sway or convince anyone to see things clearly. Im just going to make it simple and clear to those who give a damn, there's no point in trying to make the horse drink if he's already at the watering hole. " 

Ciejie passionately addresses the readers:

" Let the professionals do there jobs. If you care about canines of any breed,  you have an unspoken ethical obligation to do your part in this fight, not just for Dobermans, but for all canines. *Stop puppy mills, don't let them even get there feet on the ground, just shut it down by any means at your disposal. You can't imagine the living conditions in those places.  The owners don't give a damn bout them or you so don't fall for there b.s.

*If you aren't a educated and knowledgeable breeder don't pretend to be. You will most likely cause more damage than not, The professionals have the skill set let them apply them. There field of expertise is there for a reason.

*If you are a pet owner then be a responsible one and get your pets fixed. The earlier the better. Local animal shelters and pet adoption facilities are overcrowded and understaffed . There facilities are pouring over with babies that were never wanted. Don't contribute to that hypocrisy.

*When geting a new pet try to adopt if at all possible. I know ,as a breeder you don't expect to hear that but thousands of dogs are put down every year for the crime of simply not having a home.  I can personally vouch that most rescues are more loving and devoted then any pure bred just out there from shear appreciation. Besides you can get pure breeds there too!

*If you do buy from a breeder then, please, do your homework. Don't fall for the glam of the scam. Research your breeder, insist on genetic testing results, visit there facility and investigate there dogs living quarters and quality of there environment  by not doing so you are funding the organization or individual responsible for so much damage done to so many breeds across the globe. Effectively you allow them to mistreat and abuse dogs to unspeakable ends. These animals take advantage of the gullible and nieve, they get rich  by lying and misleading them. They post a  picture or two of a random image they findand they use words like 'healthy''heritage' and " champion" and some of you goof balls hit the ground running. Get the  proof !! Not everything that glitters is gold bae. Use that stuff between your ears  and let's put the heat on these predators before they hurt however many more..

      The most important rule of thumb is If it's too good to sound true it probably is, suga. Ask! Ask them every question in the book .   Why, how, when where and who. THEN fact check there answers. That thing in your hand gives you access to the world wide web of information. If you can't find the answers there I'm pretty sure you can get enough Intel  to make an educated guess.

      Pay attention, care about something greater then yourself  and your own needs and, for the love of God. Everyone needs to stop looking for a shortcut. My brother told me my whole life growing up' Anything in life worth having is worth fighting for. And anything worth fighting for is worth giving 110%.' in turn i  taught it to my children. Now I'm telling y'all..

    We can all do our part . This is more than just a fight for Dobermans. It's a. Fight against bully's taking advantage of the weak or misinformed. It's standing up for those who can't protect themselves. It's a show of strength to those who think there too small or insignificant to make difference, to start a change. Our actions, our choices have a butterfly effect. I'm not sure how you see things but I've gotta say it's time to switch to a different direction because our choices as humans hasn't given a very desirable outcome so far. If we all do the right thing,if we try for something greater, something good, for once then MABYE our ripples will shine bright enough to clear the uglyness in our wake."


Photo by
Ciejie Meyers
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